Graham Hair
Born in Australia in 1943, Graham Hair has been resident in Glasgow since 1990. His compositions primarily consist of chamber works for female voices, with or without instruments, mostly written for Scottish Voices and Voiceworks which he directs. Notable titles include: Setting of the Moon (concert aria: voice, 11 instr.); Songs of the Sibyls (oratorio: 3 vv, 8 instr.); Serenissima (song cycle, 4 vv, hp.); The Great Circle (choral symphony).
He was educated at the University of Melbourne, graduating with a Bachelor of Music degree in 1964 and a Master of Music degree three years later. He then completed a doctorate at the University of Sheffield, which was awarded in 1973. He worked at Riverina College of Advanced Education between 1973 and 1975, before being appointed to a lectureship at La Trobe University in 1976. In 1980, he became Head of the School of Composition at the New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music, where he remained until 1990, when he was appointed Gardiner Professor of Music at the University of Glasgow. He retired from the chair in 2001.