Edward McGuire: Prelude 6 [download]


Composition for solo viola. Handwritten score (5pp) scanned to pdf for immediate download.

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Composition for solo viola. Handwritten score (5pp) scanned to pdf for immediate download.

Composition for solo viola. Handwritten score (5pp) scanned to pdf for immediate download.

Composition for solo viola.

The composer writes:

“One of my long-term projects is to write a prelude for every instrument. The series began in 1978 and by July 1994 preludes for concertina and piccolo had brought the total to 13. I try to give each a special idiomatic character and learn more about the instrument in the process.

In 1981 Morag McRae requested one as a birthday present for violist Stephen Shakeshaft. As he was a longstanding Elvis Presley fan, I chose to tackle in this piece the question of early 'rock'n'roll' influences. From the age of 9-12 I myself was a fan, but this ceased when Presley joined the US army and abandoned his seemingly rebellious attitudes! However the thrill of the rhythmic vitality of much 'rock' and pop dance music has remained with me.

Prelude 6 reflects this childhood influence with variations on five Presley songs. An undercurrent of unease surfaces when the army period song 'Wooden Heart' is suddenly interrupted by a reference to a Vietnamese Liberation Front song of those years.”

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Edward McGuire: Prelude 3 for solo flute
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