Musica Scotica Vol II: Sixteenth-Century Scots Songs for Voice and Lute [download]


edited by Kenneth Elliott

University of Glasgow Music Department 1996


ISBN 0 952 8212?1 4

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edited by Kenneth Elliott

University of Glasgow Music Department 1996


ISBN 0 952 8212?1 4

edited by Kenneth Elliott

University of Glasgow Music Department 1996


ISBN 0 952 8212?1 4

Musica Scotica Vol II: Sixteenth-Century Scots Songs for Voice and Lute [download]

edited by Kenneth Elliott

University of Glasgow Music Department 1996


ISBN 0 952 8212?1 4

Musica Scotica is a new series of scholarly editions of Early Scottish Music, published under the general editorship of Dr. Kenneth Elliott.

Volume II is the first in a series that attempts to put ‘Scots Songs’ in a true historical context. It contains part songs arranged according to contemporary practice for solo voice and lute accompaniment. All of these are provided with lute tablature and keyboard transcriptions, many with ‘divisions’.

29 songs with lute, plus six original 4-part versions, plus 24 fragments.




Editorial Method


  1. Absent I am

  2. Adeu, O desie of delyt

  3. Alas that same sueit face

  4. Before the Greeks durst enterpryse

  5. Departe, departe

  6. Evin dead, behold I breathe

  7. How shall a young man

  8. How auld my febill body fure?

  9. In a garden so green

  10. In throu the windoes

  11. Into a mirthfull May morning

  12. Lyk as the dum Solsequium

  13. Melancholie, great depute of despair

  14. My Bailful briest

  15. My inward heart doth only knaw

  16. Nou let us sing

  17. No wonder is suppose

  18. O Lord my God, to thee I cry

  19. O lusty May

  20. Remember me, my deir

  21. Remember rightly, when ye reid

  22. Richt soir opprest

  23. Sleepe not in syne / O Lord, consider

  24. So prays me

  25. The mighty God (Psalm 50)

  26. The time of youth

  27. What mighty motion

  28. Who shall my malady amend?

  29. Woe worth the time

  30. How shall a young man [original 4-part version]

  31. My inward heart, doth only knaw [original 4-part version]

  32. O Lord my God, to thee I cry [original 4-part version]

  33. Remember rightly, when ye reid [original 4-part version]

  34. Sleepe not in syne / O Lord, consider [original 4-part version]

  35. Who shall my malady amend? [original 4-part version]

  36. As euery flour doth spring in may [fragment]

  37. Cum my deer [fragment]

  38. Delay of gym he?s wrocht my wo [fragment]

  39. Even sighes I send [fragment]

  40. Giue marciall deidis [fragment]

  41. Hence hart with hit you must be gone [fragment]

  42. I die alaice through your disdaining [fragment]

  43. I love great God above [fragment]

  44. In pryll alon [fragment]

  45. In Sommer simliest and faire [fragment]

  46. Lantron of lowe [fragment]

  47. My loue his left me comfortless [fragment]

  48. My luiff [fragment]

  49. My plesour [fragment]

  50. Now fayre, fairest off every fayre [fragment]

  51. O cairfull catiue [fragment]

  52. O cum away my dearest dear [fragment]

  53. O loue thow art enraiged [fragment]

  54. Our god is our defender [fragment]

  55. Pansing in spreit [fragment]

  56. Present now must I bee [fragment]

  57. Whairfoir is this my lady suet [fragment]

  58. With mynd opprest I cry to the [fragment]

  59. Ye pearce my hart [fragment]

List of Sources


Critical Commentary

John Purser: Circus Suite
John Purser: Bannockburn
John Purser: Dreaming of Islands