Musica Scotica Vol V: Fifty Seventeenth-Century Scots Songs for solo voice and continuo [download]


Edited by Kenneth Elliott

Musica Scotica Trust, 2008


ISBN 0 954?8865?6?9

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Edited by Kenneth Elliott

Musica Scotica Trust, 2008


ISBN 0 954?8865?6?9

Edited by Kenneth Elliott

Musica Scotica Trust, 2008


ISBN 0 954?8865?6?9

Musica Scotica is a series of scholarly editions of early Scottish music and of historical studies in Scottish music, published under the general editorship of Dr Kenneth Elliott. Volume V in the Main Series contains part of a 'lost repertory' of Scots song, hidden since the seventeenth century in instrumental and often tablature arrangements for lute, cittern, and lyra-viol, now reconstructed and published for the first time. There are also examples of lute song, consort song and continuo song in a mixture of Scottish and international styles.





Editorial Method

Commentary on the Songs


  • You meaner beauties (Thomas Wood Partbooks, addenda c.1606-35)

  • John Anderson my jo (John Skene Mandore MS c. 1620)

  • Bonny Dundee (John Skene Mandore MS c. 1620)

  • The gypsy laddie (John Skene Mandore MS c. 1620)

  • My Jo Janet (John Skene Mandore MS c. 1620)

  • Sae merry as we twa hae been (Robert Gordon of Straloch Lute-book, 1627-29)

  • Sumtyme have I sein (Robert Gordon of Straloch Lute-book, 1627-29)

  • When Diafantes knew (Lady Margaret of Wemyss Lute-book, 1643)

  • Through the wood laddie (Lady Margaret of Wemyss Lute-book, 1643)

  • Hoolie and fair lie (Lady Margaret of Wemyss Lute-book, 1643)

  • The Earl of Aboyne (Robert Edward Commonplace-book, c.1635-60)

  • The rowin't in her apron (Robert Edward Commonplace-book, c.1635-60)

  • Bonny Jean (Robert Edward Commonplace-book, c.1635-60)

  • Where Helen lies (Sutherland Lyra-viol MS, c.1660-70)

  • Montrose's lines (Magdalen Cockburn Music-book, c. 1660-80)

  • Celia I lovd thee (Magdalen Cockburn Music-book, c. 1660-80)

  • Awake my soul (No wonder is suppose) (John Forbes, Songs and Fancies, 1662-82)

  • Yee Gods of Love (John Forbes, Songs and Fancies, 1662-82)

  • My soul today (Doune in tone gardeine) (John Forbes, Songs and Fancies, 1662-82)

  • Then wilt thou goe (MS copy of Songs and Fancies, c. 1662)

  • The blythsome bridal (James Guthrie Violin MC, c.1680)

  • The broom blooms bonnie (James Guthrie Violin MC, c.1680

  • Clout the Caldron (James Guthrie Violin MC, c.1680)

  • Bessie Bell and Mary Gray (James Guthrie Violin MC, c.1680)

  • Kathrine Ogie (James Guthrie Violin MC, c.1680)

  • O let me in this ae night (James Guthrie Violin MC, c.1680)

  • Sweet William (James Guthrie Violin MC, c.1680)

  • The rantin laddie (James Guthrie Violin MC, c.1680)

  • Fond foolish youth (Robert Taitt Music book, c. 1680)

  • When she cam ben (John Leyden Lyra-viol MS, c. 1690)

  • The Collier's bonny lassie (John Leyden Lyra-viol MS, c. 1690)

  • Bonnie roaring Willie (John Leyden Lyra-viol MS, c. 1690)

  • Balou my bab (David Gregory MS, c. 1690)

  • Peggie I must love thee (George Bowie Violin MS, c. 1690-)

  • An thou were my ain thing (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • Cromlet's lilt (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • Donald Couper (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • O're Hills, o're Mountains (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • Galloway Tam (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • Gilderoy (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • Green grows the rashes (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • Hollow my Fancie (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • Joy to the person of my love (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • Old-Long-syne (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • WAP at the widow (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • The yellow-hairs Laddie (Balcarres Lute-book, c. 1695)

  • Blyth was she (James Gairdyn Violin MS, c. 1700-)

  • Mary Scott (Agnes Hume Music-book (c. 1700-)

  • Killiecrankie (Margaret Sinkler Music-book, c. 1695-)

  • Goodnight and joy be with you all (James Thomson MS, c. 1695-)

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