Musica Scotica Vol VI: Vespers, Matins and Lauds for St Kentigern, Patron Saint of Glasgow [download]


Edited by Greta-Mary Hair and Betty I Knott

Musica Scotica Trust, 2011


ISBN 0 954 8865?1 8

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Edited by Greta-Mary Hair and Betty I Knott

Musica Scotica Trust, 2011


ISBN 0 954 8865?1 8

Edited by Greta-Mary Hair and Betty I Knott

Musica Scotica Trust, 2011


ISBN 0 954 8865?1 8

Musica Scotica is a series of scholarly editions of Early Scottish Music, published under the general editorship of Dr Kenneth Elliott. Volume VI contains the Office (Vespers, Matins and Lauds) for St Kentigern, Patron Saint of Glasgow, from the Sprouston Breviary, dated to c. 1300, edited by Greta-Mary Hair (music and liturgy) and Betty I Knott (text and translations), together with the text of the Office for St Kentigern from the Aberdeen Breviary, printed 1510.



Painting of St Kentigern

Facsimiles of the Office from the Sprouston Breviary


The Sixteenth-Century Glasgow University Seal

Introduction 1: Greta-Mary Hair


Introduction II: Betty I Knott

The Editions

  • Editorial Method

  • Abbreviations

  • The Music of the Office

  • Texts and Translations of the Sprouston Office

  • Texts and Translations of the Aberdeen Office

  • Synopses of the Offices of St Kentigern in the Aberdeen and Sprouston Breviaries




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