Musica Scotica Vol VIII: Robert Johnson - Dicant nunc Judei [download]


8pp.  Available as downloadable pdf with licence to print multiple copies for rehearsal and performance.

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8pp.  Available as downloadable pdf with licence to print multiple copies for rehearsal and performance.

8pp.  Available as downloadable pdf with licence to print multiple copies for rehearsal and performance.

Edited by Elaine Moohan and Kenneth Elliott.

The Easter verse Dicant nunc Judei (TB) is sung on Easter Sunday after the processional antiphon ‘Christus resurgens’ prior to Matins. Progressive structural imitation is a feature of this composition.

Musica Scotica Vol VIII: The Complete Works of Robert Johnson, the full volume available here.

Musica Scotica Vol VIII: Robert Johnson - Dum transisset sabbatum for five voices [download]
Musica Scotica Vol I: The Complete Works of Robert Carver and Two Anonymous Masses
Kenneth Elliott: The Paisley Abbey Fragments
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